
Helena Ku Rhee
Con­grat­u­la­tions to Hele­na Ku Rhee, who received the Ezra Jack Keats Hon­or for writing
Cel­e­brat­ing Lunar New Year 2024,
news from our kiBooka authors and illustrators 
Hannah Cha Caldecott Honor illustrator
Kudos to Han­nah Cha, illus­tra­tor of The Truth about Drag­ons, for receiv­ing a Calde­cott Honor!
2023 kiBooka authors and illustrators honored
2023 kiBooka authors and illus­tra­tors honored
June Hur
June Hur
Congratulations to the kiBooka authors with new books in 2023!
Con­grat­u­la­tions to the kiBooka authors
with new books in 2023!
AAPI Heritage Month 2022
AAPI Her­itage Month 2022
authors and illus­tra­tors rec­om­mend books
Lunar New Year 2022
Cel­e­brat­ing Lunar New Year 2022,
news from our kiBooka authors and illustrators 
Suzanne Park Mask Up
Mask Up and Read cam­paign
with kiBooka authors and illustrators
Cynsations interview
Lin­da Sue Park and sev­er­al
kiBooka authors are interviewed
YMA honorees 2022
YMA hon­orees 2022
Newbery Medal 2021
New­bery Medal 2021