Lunar New Year 2024

Celebrating Lunar New Year 2024!

What’s New in the Year of the Dragon?

click on a pho­to to learn more about the book

What do dragons mean to Paula Yoo?

“In Kore­an cul­ture, drag­ons sym­bol­ize courage and hope. I can­not think of a more fit­ting sym­bol to rep­re­sent Los Ange­les’ Kore­an Amer­i­can com­mu­ni­ty who rose above the ash­es of the 1992 Los Ange­les upris­ing to forge a new Kore­an Amer­i­can iden­ti­ty of courage, hope, and sol­i­dar­i­ty. It was an hon­or to inter­view the Kore­an Amer­i­can ‘drag­ons’ who sur­vived ‘Sa I Gu’ with resilience and resolve.”

In the pho­to, Paula is stand­ing in front of the recon­struct­ed shop­ping cen­ter which is shown burn­ing on the cov­er of Ris­ing from the Ash­es: Los Ange­les 1992. Edward Jae Song Lee, Latasha Har­lins, Rod­ney King, and a City on FireFind this book at your favorite book­store or library after 7 May 2024.

Thoughts on dragons from Erin Yun

“To me, drag­ons rep­re­sent pow­er, strength, wis­dom, and vital­i­ty, along with a healthy dash of beau­ty and won­der. But my mom was born in the year of the Drag­on, and so most­ly drag­ons remind me of her — and she is the strongest per­son I know, so it makes per­fect sense.”

Pip­pa Park Crush at First Sight

Aram Kim celebrates New Year’s Day

“Start­ing the Year of the Drag­on with amaz­ing vibes in front of the mur­al at the Kore­an Cul­tur­al Cen­ter in New York, paint­ed by fel­low kiBookans! I rarely thought about drag­ons before, but this year already feels like it’s full of ener­gy — it must be the dragons!”

Tomor­row Is New Year’s Day: Seol­lal, a Kore­an Cel­e­bra­tion of the Lunar New Year

A Lunar New Year greeting from Helena Ku Rhee

“Drag­ons have always been my favorite mytho­log­i­cal crea­tures, prob­a­bly because they appeared so often in the sto­ries I favored as a kid. Although my lat­est book, Sora’s Seashells, does­n’t fea­ture any drag­ons, they appear through­out my oth­er book, The Paper King­dom — my most per­son­al sto­ry to date. I think I’ve been secret­ly hop­ing that drag­ons are real … they cer­tain­ly are in my imagination!

Sora’s Seashells

The Paper Kingdom

Happy Lunar New Year from Chris Soentpiet 

The Year of the Dragon

Emeline Lee shares her New Year greeting

“Drag­ons remind me of my grand­fa­ther, T.K. Lau, who was the inspi­ra­tion behind my STEM pic­ture book, Bonnie’s Rock­et. Born the year of the drag­on, he grew up dur­ing the Sec­ond Sino-Japan­ese war, immi­grat­ed to the U.S. to sup­port his fam­i­ly, and became an engi­neer for NASA’s Apol­lo moon-land­ing missions.”

Bon­nie’s Rocket

Linda Sue Park sends New Year greetings

I have a pic­ture book about drag­ons! Gondra’s moth­er and father are from dif­fer­ent drag­on tra­di­tions — Asian and Euro­pean — so she is a mixed-race dragon. 🙂

Jen­nifer Black Rein­hardt’s illus­tra­tions inspired my sis­ter Julie Hub­ble to craft Gondra in both nee­dle felt­ing and pottery.

Drag­ons have that kind of power!

Gondra’s Trea­sure

Hyun Sook’s New Year’s story!

“On New Years Eve, I went to see the largest drone show in Kore­an his­to­ry on Gwan­gal­li Beach in Busan. 100,000 peo­ple wait­ed to see a giant, ani­mat­ed blue drag­on soar through the sky, through fire­works, then count down to mid­night, but noth­ing hap­pened. Then some­one behind me said “It’s already 2024.” We were so dis­ap­point­ed and went home. We learned lat­er that they had can­celed the show with­out telling any­one. We came back at 7pm the next day for the resched­uled show, but again, noth­ing hap­pened. Final­ly, after almost half an hour wait­ing, they worked out the tech, the drag­on appeared in the sky and every­one count­ed down to Jan­u­ary 1st at 7:24pm and laughed. I learned that this year, every­thing may not hap­pen exact­ly when we expect it to, but great things still happen.”

Banned Book Club

Junghwa Park, wishing you a wonderful New Year

“Drag­on means pow­er and mir­a­cle. It reminds me of roy­al author­i­ty in Kore­an history.”

Wish Soup: A Cel­e­bra­tion of Seollal

Jenna Yoon’s fantasy series

“Drag­ons are mag­i­cal, wise and benev­o­lent. Lia Park and the Miss­ing Jew­el, the first book in the Lia Park series, includes the leg­end of King Mun­mu who wished to turn into a drag­on so he could pro­tect Korea.”

Lia Park and the Miss­ing Jewel

“Tend your inner fires, Dragons!”

Thoughts from Robin Ha:

“When we think of drag­ons, our minds expand to accom­mo­date their pow­er, size, and will. Drag­ons are mag­nif­i­cent because we imag­ine them to be that way. There­fore, to me, drag­ons rep­re­sent the grand­ness of our imag­i­na­tion and also how our imag­i­na­tions can have an impact in the real world. Some peo­ple in Asia plan their preg­nan­cy so their chil­dren will be born in the year of the drag­on because they want their chil­dren to have the pow­er and the for­tune the drag­on sym­bol­izes. Every­one in the world knows what drag­ons are even though drag­ons are myth­i­cal crea­tures. They are as real as any ani­mals in our minds because they have exist­ed in our sto­ries as long as human civ­i­liza­tions. Maybe we humans have achieved so much because we allowed our­selves to dream about dragons.”

The Fox Maid­ens, avail­able 13 Feb­ru­ary 2024

Jogak­bo ban­ner, a tra­di­tion­al Kore­an design, copy­right Aram Kim, used here with permission.