middle grade

middle grade

To con­tact the kiBooka cre­ators or to order their books, please click through to their websites.

“With insight and com­pas­sion, Ahn’s mid­dle-grade nov­el address­es the count­less hur­dles that come with fam­i­ly, team­work, and self-improve­ment.” (Bul­letin of the Cen­ter for Chil­dren’s Books)

“Ahn’s spare illus­tra­tions are the stars of this show, using just a few lines to evoke emo­tion, dra­ma, and espe­cial­ly humor…Considering how brief the text is, the two dogs leap, life­like, off the pages, Sun­ny reserved and just a bit surly and Rosy fired with youth­ful enthu­si­asm.” (Kirkus Reviews)

“Mov­ing in its state­ment of human rights … Read­ers will find them­selves moved back in time and for­ward in spir­it.” (Bul­letin of the Cen­ter for Chil­dren’s Books, starred review)

Sook Nyul Choi


“Jung’s voice is a gift to mid­dle-grade fic­tion …” (Book­list)

“Roars to life with just a touch of mag­ic.” (Kirkus Reviews, starred review); New­bery Medal 2021

In Dream­slinger, avail­able April 25, 2025, X‑Men meets Poké­mon, where you can go to Kore­an mag­i­cal school and learn to grow the miss­ing third of your soul from a seed. Per­fect for fans of Amari, Har­ry Pot­ter, Nev­er­moor, and Keep­er of the Lost Cities. Ide­al for ages 10–14, and also for grown up kids!

In August 2023, from the author of Stand Up, Yumi Chung! comes a fun­ny and utter­ly charm­ing nov­el about friends—how to make them, how to let go of them, and how to be your own BFF.

“Cap­tures with unusu­al­ly know­ing and respect­ful per­cep­tion the steps of a friend shift.” (BCCB, starred review)

Junior Library Guild Gold Stan­dard Selec­tion. Com­pan­ion nov­el to Broth­er’s Keep­er. Told from the per­spec­tive of Sora’s friend Myung-gi, this is the sto­ry of a young boy’s expe­ri­ence in the Kore­an War, both as a refugee and lat­er as a sol­dier trapped inside an ene­my tunnel.

“Ten­der char­ac­ter rela­tion­ships between both pup and human, and the myr­i­ad ful­ly real­ized ani­mals Haru meets along his jour­ney, com­bine for a mul­ti­lay­ered and thor­ough­ly heart­felt must-read.” (Pub­lish­ers Week­ly, starred review)

“This beau­ti­ful­ly writ­ten, heart-wrench­ing com­ing-of-age sto­ry speaks to the endur­ing pow­er of famil­ial bonds and the resilien­cy of the human spir­it. … A riv­et­ing, time­ly, human­iz­ing account of risk­ing every­thing for free­dom.” (Jama Rat­ti­gan, author of Dumpling Soup)

Ginger Park
Gin­ger Park


“Park’s sub­jects’ memen­tos offer mid­dle-grade read­ers much food for thought regard­ing what one val­ues and how oth­ers can touch one’s life.… Park’s extend­ed rumi­na­tion has the pow­er to bring us home.” (Kirkus Reviews, starred review)

Linda Sue Park
Lin­da Sue Park


2022 NCTE Poet­ry Notable; Wong’s orig­i­nal col­lec­tion was the first book of Asian Amer­i­can chil­dren’s poems to explore issues of race, cul­ture, and iden­ti­ty. In these 50 new pages of mem­oir, mus­ings, social stud­ies con­nec­tions, and writ­ing prompts, Janet Wong offers a fresh look at these top­ics and invites young read­ers to dive more deeply into the text.

“Mean­ing­ful cul­tur­al con­nec­tions pro­vide a sol­id foun­da­tion for this inven­tive fan­ta­sy adven­ture.” (Kirkus Reviews)

“This warm-heart­ed, feel-good series con­tin­ues to real­is­ti­cal­ly explore one Kore­an Amer­i­can girl’s mid­dle school expe­ri­ence in a relat­able way.”  (School Library Jour­nal)