Ezra Jack Keats Honor Helena Ku Rhee 2024

Congratulations, Helena Ku Rhee

We’re excit­ed to rec­og­nize Hele­na Ku Rhee’s Ezra Jack Keats Hon­or Award for Writ­ing from the Ezra Jack Keats Foun­da­tion in 2024. Con­grat­u­la­tions! The com­mit­tee wrote, “This lyri­cal sto­ry, told through the eyes of a child, shows the strength need­ed to share, endure loss, stand up to teas­ing, and take pride in being dif­fer­ent. The beau­ti­ful images work with the text and pro­pel us through the joy and sad­ness per­fect­ly, end­ing on a high note.” If you haven’t read this book yet, vis­it your favorite library or inde­pen­dent book­seller.  Learn more.

Helena Ku Rhee
Hele­na Ku Rhee
dancheong, design by Aram Kim
dan­cheong, design by Aram Kim, used here with permission