

To con­tact the kiBooka cre­ators or to order their books, please click through to their websites.

2024 Chil­dren’s Lit­er­a­ture Asso­ci­a­tion Edit­ed Book Award; 2023 Hon­our Book by the Inter­na­tion­al Research Soci­ety for Chil­dren’s Literature

Sarah Park Dahlen
Sarah Park Dahlen
Ebony Elizabeth Thomas
Ebony Eliz­a­beth Thomas


Asian Author Alliance: Cel­e­brates Asian Kidlit and the diver­si­ty of sto­ries that orig­i­nate from the Asian Con­ti­nent. We boost and sup­port books by and for us!


Asian/Pacific Amer­i­can Librar­i­ans Asso­ci­a­tion: Find news, arti­cles, resources, and more. 

Stop AAPI Hate: Infor­ma­tion, reports, a place to report a hate incident.

Recip­i­ent of the Franklin R. Buchanan Prize for out­stand­ing cur­ric­u­lar book in 2023. For edu­ca­tors of K‑12, col­lege … and any­one (all ages) inter­est­ed in Kore­an poetry

Includes an essay by Lin­da Sue Park, “Sijo makes you smarter.”

Lucy Park
Lucy Park
Elizabeth Jorgensen
Eliz­a­beth Jorgensen
